Timeless Angular Best Practices
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What are some of the best practices in Angular? And why should you care about them? In this blog we will discuss timeless best practices that are applicable to any Angular project.
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What are some of the best practices in Angular? And why should you care about them? In this blog we will discuss timeless best practices that are applicable to any Angular project.
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The latest versions of Angular have had massive improvements with the new control flow, signal support and other new features! Learn how to migrate your Angular v17+ application to the new signal inputs, signal outputs, control flow and more!
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Have you ever wondered how to call the transform method of an Angular pipe in the component class code or in any other TypeScript code that has an Injection Context? Read along and find out how while learning other best practices!
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This article is intended to help anybody that is struggling with time zones in the browser. It lists some tools and options you could use to change and play with the time zone of your browsers.
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In this article we will learn how to configure target defaults for your Nx workspace. This will allow you to configure default values for your targets once on a global level, compared to on a project level, such as the default port for your serve target.
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In my previous post about the differences between Universal and Scully I mentioned that Universal can be much faster in the (pre)rendering process compared to Scully. This difference is mainly significant and noticeable in the order of thousands of pages. Continue reading to find out more and how we can improve the (re)rendering process with Scully.
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To achieve high-perfomance, seo-friendly and social network shareable Angular routes we currently have two notable options. Implementing Universal techniques into our Angular application, or using Scully, the static site generator for Angular. Both will give us the same result; a performant Angular application. But what is the difference? When to use Universal, or when to use Scully? Let's try to find out!
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Scully, the Static Site Generator for Angular, renders your Angular application into static HTML files. Together with the bundled JS assets of the Angular app, those files are served to the browser. The static HTML files give your visitors an instant view on the content of the application.But do you really need to bootstrap Angular again?
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Scully, the Static Site Generator for Angular, comes with a plugin system that allows us to control which pages to prerender of our Angular application and how to prerender them. In this article we will learn how to setup custom plugins for your own specific use cases.
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This article and guide is intended to help anybody using Angular v9 getting started with Server-side-rendering (SSR) and prerendering their application.
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This is a follow-up on my previous article about lessons learned on offline capabilities using Workbox. This article highlights some more findings and explores better/other solutions for the problems described earlier.
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Setting up a caching system for your Angular Universal website can give you an extra performance gain. Read more about how we can hook into the Universal rendering process and set up a simple memory cache.
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This post is targeted to webdevelopers that are creating offline-capable applications and more specifically offline-capable applications that can be categorized as SPAs or Single Page Applications. We will explore some ideas, common implementations and pitfalls using Workbox.
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JSON-LD is a lightweight Linked Data format. It is easy for humans AND machines to read and write. In this new Angular Universal article we learn how to output JSON-LD. We will re-use and explain some techniques that the TransferState key-value cache service uses to transfer server-state to the application on the client side.
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This article and guide on better sharing on social media platforms with Angular Universal is targeted to developers that have a good understanding of Angular and might already have an Angular Universal implementation running. We are going to describe some high-level ideas and concepts, different tools and Angular services that will enable better social sharing on for example Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
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Implementing 3th party functionality it not always clear. In the case of Vimeo, the iframe embed does not provide as many options and is not as extended as the JavaScript Player API. Keep reading to find out how you can easily set Vimeo subtitles on runtime.
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When I was creating this blog and optimising it for mobile I experienced some default but not so user-friendly behaviour when navigating from one route to the other with Angular v2+. Keep reading to find out how we you add this little tweak to optimise your user experience!
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RxJS is a great library, it is used more and more in different places & frameworks across the web. Soon it will dominate the asynchronous part of web apps, so that’s why it’s important to know how subjects work. Keep reading to find out how we can leverage Subjects in modern web applications!